Thursday, March 26, 2009


Is this a new way to attack Max Sica? Sue him for trespassing for the day of when he,( his two children aged 5 and 11 and his niece aged 10)discovered the horrendous scene on the 22nd April 2003. Are they going to serve trespassing warrants for the children as well? Just another example of another incredule injustice. Six years on and still finding ways to have him in the public eye and try to further assassinate his character and try to use any tactic available. I am utterly amazed and dumbfounded as to what lengths so called JUSTICE is willing to go. If you are saying to yourself, who cares, doesn`t affect me, he must be guilty etc etc. Well think again because next time it could happen to you or one of your loved ones to find themselves in the same situtation that Max Sica is right now.
We are a civilized country right? People do have their rights dont they? Truth and Justice will always be the case for everyone right?
link to story,23599,25246888-2,00.html?from=public_rss


  1. Are these people crazy?! First of all Max would have to be found guilty before he can be held liable for any damages that might have happened while the murders were taking place, and if innocent how can he be held responsible for any damages and cleaning? These two obviously sick! (And from those tape recordings, we know Mr Singh IS sick)
    First of all to care more about money than they do their children and to still want to live in that house. Makes you wonder if those 3 dear innocent children had life insurance policies and who were the beneficiaries...

  2. I'm not denying that Vijay is sick, the things he has done previously support this. The reason why it appears that the Singh's are sueing Max is because of insurance purposes - they are not personally sueing him, it's being done indirectly through the insurance company. Just thought I'd clear it up.
