Friday, February 5, 2010


'Hired assassins' may have killed Singhs: Sica defence

The lawyer for accused triple-murderer Max Sica has suggested hired assassins could have been behind the murders of the Singh siblings, who were found slain in their Brisbane home seven years ago.

Barrister Sam Di Carlo made the comment in the Queensland Court of Appeal yesterday, where he argued his client deserved bail as he awaits trial accused of the 2003 murders of his ex-girlfriend Neelma, 24, her brother Kunal and 12-year-old sister Sidhi Singh.
The father of three from Stafford Heights, has failed in two Supreme Court bids for freedom since his November 2008 arrest for the murders.

But his lawyers took the issue to the Court of Appeal, arguing the case against Sica was "extremely weak" and he should not be kept in prison awaiting a trial which may not happen until 2012.

Mr Di Carlo said there were several others who could have been responsible for the murders - including hired assassins engaged by the siblings' father, Vijay Singh.
"There's been an abundance of evidence pointing to Mr Singh ... the day before he goes overseas he just happens to buy a bottle of bleach," he said.

Bleach, the court was told, was used to clean up parts of the scene of the murders.
During two hours of submissions, Mr Di Carlo argued Supreme Court Justice James Douglas had been mistaken when he did not have proper regard to the strength of the crown case against Sica.

He also urged Court of Appeal judges to listen to the Triple-0 call Sica made after he discovered the Singh siblings' dead in a spa bath.

"It's incredible. Short of Edward Norton in Primal Fear [Sica] must be the best actor [if he's guilty of murdering Singhs]," he said.

But Crown prosecutor Brendan Campbell told the Court of Appeal while the case against Sica was a circumstantial one, Mr Di Carlo was mistaken about much of the evidence.

"It's an outrageous suggestion the father is responsible for killing his own children," he said.
Mr Campbell said the Singhs' killer had used a garden fork to injure the siblings and then put the tool back in its usual spot.

"If it was assassins, they have used a weapon from inside the house," he said.
He denied Mr Di Carlo's suggestion police had "tunnel vision" and had decided Mr Sica was the murderer.

"Every other lead that has been raised has been chased down and excluded," he said.
The Court of Appeal has reserved its decision in the matter.

("It's an outrageous suggestion the father is responsible for killing his own children," he said.)

This is a comment made by Mr Campbell for prosecution, well i say that it is even more outrageous to think that Massimo Sica had anything at all to do with the death of the woman that he loved and her sibblings whom he also considered as part of his family.

Massimo Sica has been portrayed as being violent and so forth when there is nothing indicating him to be that way inclined, infact far from it. He has made foolish mistakes in the past, which i might add did not have anything to do with being violent or threatening towards anyone in anyway at all, and he has paid very dearly for it. HOWEVER Mr V.J. Singh has been violent, threatening, abbusive and this is against his own family members. Like i have already stated in this blog, Massimo Sica was called to the Singh residence not only on the occassion where Mr Singh happened to record it, but on other occassions as well.

That recorded episode was completely twisted and made to look like Massimo Sica had gone there to threaten the Singh family. Massimo Sica was called there by Sidhi Singh (the youngest child) because she was afraid for her mothers safety. If Massimo Sica was so violent, so threatening, so psychotic, why did he not just knock Mr Singh out there and then? You can clearly hear Mrs Singh say to Massimo Sica, are you going to protect me? you have my permission to be here, and so on and so forth. What about all the threats Mr Singh made to Massimo Sica like, you dont know what im capable of, just you wait youre gonna get it, you will see what i can do etc etc . There are police records (who were called to go there by both Massimo Sica and Mr Singh) indicating why Massimo Sica was there.

Massimo Sica has been accused of committing this horrible crime with not a scintilla of DNA evidence linking him to it, without a motive, and police had also targeted him as a prime suspect practically within the same day he discovered the bodies. Massimo Sica and his family have always fully co operated with authorities in each and every way and beyond.

Neelma Singh, Sidhi Singh and Kunal Singh deserve true justice, for what happened to them was atrocious. Massimo Sica is truly the forth victim in this tragedy and i only hope and pray that he and those three children will get true justice.

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