Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I was at the bail hearing once again, again no new evidence was brought forward. The judge could not state if the case was based on circumstantial evidence or not. All they stated was the same old B.S. about him being a flight risk and a threat.
His defence team was not at all what i expected and did not in my opinion do their job to the best of their abilities.

Part of the transcript taken from the recording in Mr Singh`s home about the confrontation between Max Sica and Mr Singh (recorded late in 2002) was completely misleading and not followed up with rest of the conversation.

I have heard the tape, THE WHOLE TAPE not just some sentence. Police was called to Mr Singh`s residence by both Max Sica and Mr Singh on the day of the confrontation. Police was also taped on that conversation and the proof is in the pudding of why Max Sica was there.

Mrs Singh repeatedly asked Max Sica if he was going to protect her, he said yes, no doubt.
Mrs Singh in late 2002 took an AVO out against her husband stating that she feared for her safety and the children`s safety.

The recording made in the Sica residence on the 20th September 2006 stated (by police) that Max Sica`s father had said to his son that if he was charged, he should flee.
Nowhere in the recording was the word FLEE ever mentioned. Not in english, not in italian.

As for police, if they were that sure about him leaving the juristiction so not to attend a so called secret cmc hearing, why didnt they go get him then and there? Why didnt they immediately go serve him with papers or arrest him? Why did they wait two years? Makes one wonder.

As for the judge, he clearly indicated that if you are about to be charged with a crime, whether you leave the juristiction or not will not be taken into account. So, excersise your leagal and moral right and run for your life.

Infact to prove this point when Dr Patel was removed from Qld health, he was given a business class ticket from Qld health to leave the juristiction and infact went overseas to the U.S.A . The state spent years and millions to bring him back only then to give him bail and pay all his living
expenses while awaiting trial.
Allegedly he caused numerous deaths by malpractise and manslaughter charges were brought against him. In his case, the scalpal, was in his hand.

Where is the justice? Better to run? Clearly gets better results.

When pending legal issues are lifted, the taped conversation regarding the confrontation between Max Sica and Mr Singh will be uploaded to this site for all to hear with their own ears.

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